Start here: Three Key Strategies for Community BUILDING


What are the key ingredients for transformational change?



In order to tackle disparities and ensure that every child can thrive, C2C practices three key, interconnected strategies that are essential to transformative community-building. This is what makes our model so special: Family Empowerment, Strategic Collaboration, and Strength-Based Design work together to fuel our movement for equity.

Let’s Practice:

Become a transformational community-building catalyst! Take a deeper dive into each of the Three Key Strategies below.


family empowerment

How & why do we center parent voices in our work?

strategic collaboration

How do we create measurable impact and lasting change?

strength based design

What is possible when we tap into the power of hope?


Your turn!

We want you to know that we are practitioners first and foremost. We are learning and growing every day, just like our kids. We created these resources to strengthen our own understanding and help us stay true to our guiding values, as well as to share with others so that we can build our collective knowledge and catalyze a critical shift in how we work to build strong, thriving communities.

We know you are doing amazing things too, and we want to learn all about it. Take a look around our Playbook, have fun putting your own spin on these Three Key Strategies, and bring your insights to our Activistas Circle (coming soon)!

ready for more?

Be sure to check out the full Playbook series.