Our Policy Platform

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We advocate for equity-driven Whole Child, Whole Family, Whole Community solutions.


Our policy priorities were co-created by Steering Committee members and parent leaders to reflect the needs of the Santa Cruz Community. These five Areas guide our advocacy efforts.



Increasing access to affordable, quality child care and early learning opportunities


Ensuring equitable access to holistic, culturally-responsive healthcare, including mental health


Providing a path to citizenship through comprehensive immigration reform

Creating an inclusive public safety net that supports the basic needs and human rights of all families regardless of immigration status

Building trust with law enforcement and public institutions



Establishing family-centered school supports including summer & after school programs, family engagement, and adult learning opportunities


Building knowledge of available resources, rights, and policy changes that impact children & families in our community

Creating pathways for diverse parents and youth to advocate & participate in public commissions & leadership groups



There are many ways to advocate on behalf of children and families. Through advocacy letters, meeting with our elected representatives, speaking at public forums, building leadership capacity, and participating in school district meetings, C2C advances equity by addressing the root causes of adversity through policy and systems change.


advocacy opportunities

C2C is proud to be a part of The Central Coast Early Childhood Advocacy Network (CCECAN), a tri-county organization that focuses on advocacy through policy change. CCECAN holds events throughout the year, where community members can learn new skills, build connections, and advocate for their families.

Learn more about upcoming events on their website!